Sepioteuthis lessoniana, Bigfin Reef squid
<< Cephalopod Species
This excellent photograph of Bigfin Reef Squid after it captured an Arc Eye Hawkfish was taken at night on the west (Kona) side of the Big Island of Hawaii . Photograph by John Hodson |
Bigfin Reef Squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, are a common species of inshore squid found from the Hawaiian island’s through the tropical indo-pacific to the Red Sea. Like other members of the genus Sepioteuthis, these squid are sometimes mistaken for cuttlefish due to the large fin that surrounds their mantle; the “Sepio” in their scientific name refers to their cuttlefish like appearance. Sepioteuthis are known for their visual communication, elaborate courtship displays, and size sorted schooling behavior. These fascinating yet common inshore squid are often observed by snorkelers and divers.